Category: Thoughts

  • Meta Conversations

    “I don’t think I could ever love you, but I want to be friends that touch.” One of my friends was told this when she asked her German boyfriend to be brutally honest. Brutal honesty to an American means something different than brutal honesty to a German. Communication is tough. Even when we speak the…

  • When It’s Darkest

    When It’s Darkest Men See the Stars Ralph Waldo Emerson I love this quote. Several times over my career, we’ve been blinded by the light. Things seemed perfect. There was nothing that could stop us. This expectation lulled us to sleep and miss the things we should have worked on. These “sure things” turned out…

  • Standing On The Shoulders Of Those Who Came Before

    Standing On The Shoulders Of Those Who Came Before

    As I was walking to catch the bus, it struck me just how much that surrounds us we take for granted. Things that seem so obvious too us they simply blend into the background. We get in our cars, drive on paved roads, stop at stoplights, and know that if we got in an accident…

  • State of Energy & Change

    You’re taking a pleasantly hot afternoon stroll with a little time on your hands, and you come across a table with a couple of people offering you a free beverage if you’re willing to help them out with a small survey. You see the survey is only a few questions and is anonymous, the juice…

  • Where Chocolate Goes to Die

    Perhaps no one is like my wife and me, but we have a place in our pantry where chocolate goes to die. Actually, for quite some time, we had a place where all snack food would go to die. We would eat most of a particular snack food, but then since no one wanted to…

  • You Can’t Think Your Way Out

    You’ve come down with a serious cold. You feel miserable. You start trying to figure out who or what gave you this cold: Was it not washing your hands after that bus ride? Was it that guy that coughed on you while you were standing in line to get groceries? We all want answers to…

  • The Fear of the Remembered

    It’s amazing to me how many people worriedly ask me about the safety of our living in Mexico.  Yes, Mexico has lots of news of drug wars, kidnapping and murders. Each of these events is tragic as well as memorable.  This is why it casts a shadow on the entire country. In Guadalajara, where we…

  • Life By Autopilot

    We live in a highly complex world but with a very limited amount of focus. This limits the amount of conscious decisions we make. The rest of our life runs in autopilot: we decide not to decide. This, as it turns out, is our default choice. It’s why states that require you to opt-in for…

  • Scripting Life

    Have you ever considered how the various roles in your life mimic a screenplay? A friend of mine is teaching me his method for Designing a Balanced Life. This week, we discussed the roles that each of us play in our lives and how they interact. Previously, I’ve considered my various roles, but I found…

  • When Your Brain Fails – Nodding Off

    Yesterday late in the afternoon, I was providing a demo of our product in a warm conference room. The person I was showing it to started nodding off. Now this wasn’t a case where there were a lot of people, there were only three of us and he was asking us questions in between his…