Month: December 2010

  • Paying the Cost Today

    If I say this, then she is just going to say this. If I don’t say it though… We all have this type of internal conversation — simulating future possible events and speculating on their outcome. It’s one of the many things that distinguish us as humans. We simulate what the future might look like,…

  • Meta Conversations

    “I don’t think I could ever love you, but I want to be friends that touch.” One of my friends was told this when she asked her German boyfriend to be brutally honest. Brutal honesty to an American means something different than brutal honesty to a German. Communication is tough. Even when we speak the…

  • Signs, Signs, Everywhere There’s Signs

    Signs, Signs, Everywhere There’s Signs

    My family hopes I wear a seatbelt. So I was informed yesterday while driving on a Mexican highway to Guanajauto. Turns out my family also wants me to obey the speed limit, not to drive if I’ve been drinking, not to drive tired, and finally to listen to the above mentioned signs. Every overpass contained…

  • The Way Things Are

    The Way Things Are

    You have to drive through a small river to get to downtown. This is what we realized when we visited a small fishing village turned popular American retirement spot, just north of Puerto Vallarta. A flood knocked out the bridge and so now you have to drive through a shallow 20 foot river that runs…

  • When It’s Darkest

    When It’s Darkest Men See the Stars Ralph Waldo Emerson I love this quote. Several times over my career, we’ve been blinded by the light. Things seemed perfect. There was nothing that could stop us. This expectation lulled us to sleep and miss the things we should have worked on. These “sure things” turned out…