Month: January 2012

  • How Do I Get More Done?

    There are over 1700 apps on iOS for managing ToDo lists – many that cost money. If you could download and try each of them (say 1 per minute), it would take nearly 30 hours straight. When it comes to managing our life, we want something to blame.  It can’t be us, so it must…

  • Why a Diet Sounds Better Tomorrow

    Why a Diet Sounds Better Tomorrow

    Why is it easy to get psyched-up for starting a diet tomorrow but not right now? Why does an exercise regiment seem so easy to imagine, but hard to follow? We can picture ourselves running miles, exercising every other day, and feeling great, but when it’s time to go to the gym, a myriad of…

  • Learning Empathy

    “If you’re a 40-yr old mother who likes to run and also knows how to code well, please come talk to me after this discussion because I want to hire you.” Cheryl Kellond, founder of Bia, made the above appeal during a panel session last night titled Geeks vs. Suits.  She explained that she highly doubted a…

  • Correcting The Details

    When I was a teenager, my dad received a special bonus to take his family out for dinner and so we headed for a fancy French restaurant in our town called The Catacombs.  I don’t remember much of the actual meal, but instead one of the conversations. I don’t think anyone else involved remembers this…