Month: September 2009

  • Why We See Ourselves As The Thriftiest

    Over at Cognitive Daily, they conducted an informal poll regarding how thrifty people perceive they are. The most interesting result however is that most people believe they are the most thrifty person they know. Early in my marriage, I discovered quickly that different people perceive the value of certain goods differently.  My wife is thrifty…

  • Commoditizing Information

    The hackers of old have long held that data must be set free. Google is doing just that by aggregating the content of the internet, it no longer mattes where information comes from.  When people are questioned afterward regarding the source of the information they are reciting, they respond: Google. The problem, of course, is…

  • Unspoken Assumptions & Improving Decisions

    This last week we had several very good meetings with our advisors who helped us refine our direction.  Like stepping into a frigid pool on a scorching day, it was both refreshing and shocking. The result was very positive, but I was surprised that I hadn’t seen the refinements prior to meeting. Sometime ago, at…

  • Small Is The New Big – VC Edition

    One of the significant trends that is happening in business, is that the opportunity for people to create new small businesses that make a living but stay small is growing.  The cost of distribution, the cost of creation, and the cost of reaching a small target audience are all approaching free.  The ability for these…

  • Rear Wheel Differential

    This is a fairly simple post today.  This video (skip the first 1:50 tells how a rear wheel differential works).  I’ve always wondered and found it fascinating.  If you’ve always wondered how it works, enjoy…

  • Immediate Gratification

    I have been listening to a very good book (“Rapt”) and she mentioned a study that was done measuring the way we respond to situations where there is an immediate payoff which offsets some longer term goal. Essentially, if you are presented with the choice between taking $100 now, or $200 three years from now,…