“Clover” Coffee

I’m presently drinking what could be the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had. It was expensive though, $6, for a Cup-Of-Excellence (COE) winner from Guatamala. It was made with a machine Clover at Ritual Roasters which is in San Francisco.

One of my friends recently showed me an article about this coffee machine which apparently retails for $11,000 but is supposed to really extract the flavors of the lighter roast coffees to make it a perfect cup. It requires a lot of attention from the person making the coffee and is a pretty elaborate machine.

So there was a newspaper article and now this blog, this is a product that is remarkable, and worth the money to pay for it (though not on a regular basis). Fortunately, this coffee house is in my top three coffee houses in the US so their other coffee rocks as well.

How can your product make the recipient feel like they had something made especially for them, in a way that they want to remark to others about it and share?






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